I recently had the experience of being a complete beginner at something again. I attended flight training and had to learn to fly an airplane solo in a little over a month. It was daunting, and I went in with an only two hours of previous flying time under my belt. It was an emotional and difficult experience that reminded me of many things I had forgotten about being a beginner. Here is what I learned:
Being a beginner was humbling, especially after I was used to a certain amount of proficiency in my life as a bassoon player. In the end, persistence and a good attitude seemed to get me through to solo and pass my checkride. Everything wasn’t perfect, but I came home with some big takeaways about learning and the frustrations and joys that go along with it. What have you been a beginner at? What did you learn? Drop me a line and let me know. I'd love to hear from you!
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AuthorLaura Lanier is the creator of bassoonsolos.com Archives
June 2020